So the short version of all of that... they just don't know yet. Two things I've taken away from your comment. For that to happen the glial cells contract and expand. Sleep gave us a break. For now, the only absolutely concrete reason they can give is.... "because we get tired". This sleep is very normal and of a good quality. Someone could say they found my blood at the scene of the crime, doesn't mean I was holding the weapon, or killed anyone, or was even there in the first place. What do they mean? I get very sleepy, and I am sure I am not alone in this, after a day of intense physical activity. A faster burning fire produces more soot. and join one of thousands of communities. Just because there's evidence doesn't mean it proves anything. You didn't use capital letters to point out something I missed. Third was predation. And when you quoted another poster in the same thread, I addressed that information as well. It's not quite as definitive as he made it sound, though it is a step closer to understanding the process. I did, in fact, address your situation. Some people need more sleep than others, and a new study has found that our personal sleep requirements may be down to our genes. A half dozen people found it helpful enough. And yes, "We get fat because we eat" was enough if nothing else was known, but if you know more you should say more. We Asked a Sleep Neuroscientist. As for "explaining what you thought I missed" ... you don't have to waste any energy on that at all. We do get energy from it. You sure feel the need to end every online discussion you have - what does that tell you about yourself? So I'll do it for you. I'm just saying that we already have information which highly relates to what happens when we sleep and thus why we do it. Fuck whoever downvoted me. You not getting what I mean is no offense to you neither, but it simply shows that I would have to spend energy to explain it and I simply refuse to do so. The part that has always bothered me is why we evolved to need sleep. Isn't the true answer: we don't really know? We sleep to… well… to what? This is of course not very helpful. Why insomnia affects your mental health. Press J to jump to the feed. So the only reason you missed that part is because you're reading comprehension is as poor as your manners. If you want to be fussy you can never actually prove anything. Don't Panic! It depends on the kid. [–]YUNOHAVENICK -2 points-1 points0 points 7 years ago (9 children), Wrong. Psychology. By Ed Vanstone. But in the meantime, we get fat because we eat too much." Call me lazy if you want. William Dement, the retired dean of sleep studies, a co-discoverer of REM sleep, and co-founder of the Stanford Sleep Medicine Center, was asked to reveal what he knew about sleep after 50+ years of researching the subject. After missing 2 nights of sleep, a person will have problems thinking and doing things; his or her brain and body can't do … It's a lot easier to deal with the morning when you're feeling refreshed, and you may even find you don't need an alarm at all when your body gets adequate rest. [–]YUNOHAVENICK 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (5 children). We tend to think of sleep as a time when the mind and body shut down. Much more so then on any given day without the activity. Why do people need to sleep? His response: “As far as I know, the only reason we need to sleep that is really, really solid is because we get sleepy.”. We could gave evolved to function differently, but we didn't, so why? What are the reasons why we need sleep-allows people to recharge, allow brain to recover from exhaustion and stress-rebuild immune system, restore muscles, and repairs cells -clears out mind of useless information-may play a role in memory and learning (mental housekeeping) State of … Signs of poor sleep quality include not feeling rested even after getting enough sleep, repeatedly waking up during the night, and experiencing symptoms of sleep disorders (such as snoring or gasping for air). The plain unvarnished truth is that you don't even know what you're saying, you're just trying to grab some karma by regurgitating some shit you read on wikipedia, and it's not working out so well for you. Did you miss the whole edit? This is straight from the article /u/r0ughneck_scout posted: Nor are other researchers certain that cleansing is sleep’s sole core function. r/IdeasForELI5. Sleep helps our body and brain develop and grow. But frankly, it doesn't matter what we're pretending like we don't understand, whether it's some imaginary situation you created or the very real situation of why we sleep... we can't give a complete answer about it, because we don't understand it. No one function of sleep necessarily rules them all, says sleep scientist Derk-Jan Dijk of the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom. Overall, the predominant factor is the circadian rhythm thing but the activity levels do play a role. You did it to try to be loud, because you thought you had some advantage. While energy is readily available now, there were many times where we had to fight for every calorie. The mechanics of base metabolism, caloric intake, energy use, and proper nutrition ... these are all solid and concrete. You can't. The part that has always bothered me is why we evolved to need sleep. This does not really answeres the question.It says what sleep does.. it does not say why we need it in the first place.. so why we are not refreshed and alert if we do not sleep. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. To be honest, if you were capable of making an intelligent point, any intelligent point, you'd find me possessed of an entirely different demeanor. He's not wrong, he's saying it's the only answer they can give as a solid fact. why do we get tired and are there animals that don't sleep? At one point in time, all of these were put forth as the be-all, end-all reason for sleep, and all of them are less than complete answers, at best. We realize that there are not enough hours in the day for us to be able to do all of the work that we have, and that we often compromise our sleeping hours just to get things done. I'm not sure why or how you think you know me. It is not a repository for any question you may have. I am very honest to myself and I only talk about things when I'm very sure that I know enough to actually argue in that area, so trust me, my point is not wrong. [–]lobsang_ludd 30Answer Link2 points3 points4 points 7 years ago (1 child), On the question of other animals: kinda yes, kinda no. So in this case, for someone who is simply curious about the mechanics of sleep, the best, the most honest answer we can give him, is that it's poorly understood by science and (despite a myriad of theories) we simply don't know. There is evidence, like /u/crystal64 and /u/r0ughneck_scout said that it's when the brain does housekeeping. First, running on full around the clock is expensive. [–]QuentinTNO 3 points4 points5 points 7 years ago (0 children). [–]jayman419 60Answer Link5 points6 points7 points 7 years ago (12 children). Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases. Good sleep quality is also essential. Why We Sleep . The only real way to … Btw. It is simply much longer than most people need. Many of our predators were nocturnal. We have no frickin' idea. Some animals reduce the risks with unihemispheric sleep, where the brain divides itself into a tag-team, one sleeping and one awake to look for threats. Eli5: Why do we puke when we *see* something disgusting, although there's no sign it has actually entered or interfered with our body? PJ Bear explains snoring, dreams, nightmares, sleep disorders and problems. These are some of the most common questions people ask after getting a new mattress. [–]jayman419 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (6 children). So, you’re not lazy after all — it’s your DNA’s fault. Here's Why You Always Sleep Through Your Alarm. As a matter of fact, I can answer this from current and recent personal experience. Second, we evolved to have very precise color vision. There is solid, evidentary research proving how these systems work, and how they work together, to reasonably define "obesity" as a scientific reality. But I didn't miss your hypothetical game. The '8 Hours of Sleep' Rule Is a Myth. But they make sense, and may add some insight into your question. I have also heard/read that we can almost think of sleep as the default state of an animal. Sacrificing shuteye can lead to increased productivity. Going without sleep will literally make you psychotic and, eventually, kill you. “I’ve already bought a mattress, why do I need a box spring?” That can be quite irritating, I fully understand. Culture Biology The Surprising Health Benefits of Sleeping On a Hard Floor | Men’s … The nervous system removes various waste products during sleep. Sure I hated the bitch and threatened her through texting and slapped her around a few times, even in public, and she slept with my friend. The best answer I've heard has to do with energy, vision, and predation. “Why do we need bed frames? To keep your mind and body healthy, get some shut eye. ELI5 Why if I simply thump my man in the testicles it will make him double over in pain, but during intercourse they take a pounding and it’s fine? It is more then just the buildup and flushing out of unwanted proteins, however. We do get energy from it. December 14, 2018. Russell Foster is a circadian neuroscientist: He studies the However, that is only half the picture. Sleep doesn't always work like with humans, but generally not sleeping means you either. It's a very effective balance between color and detail sensitivity. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So I went back a few minutes after I'd posted to add that in. I don't feel the need to end everything, if you'd bothered to read any of my history instead of just spilling ranch dressing on your lap, you'd see that. This subreddit is for asking for objective explanations. Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases. The process helps to remove the molecular detritus that brain cells churn out as part of their natural activity, along with toxic proteins that can lead to dementia when they build up in the brain, the researchers say. However, that is only half the picture. I still disagree, even though I knew about all your points. That's actually a fairly recent finding. Therefore, when we are younger we do more stuff so need more sleep. But when it comes to sleep, don't take my word for it. It’s not like we are gaining any energy by sleeping so why do we feel tired and need to sleep? Getting quality sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health. Seriously... that's the only answer that scientists have solid, concrete evidence to support. It is literally our bodies time to recharge. Gday. [–]r0ughneck_scout 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (0 children). ELI5 why rolling your eyes is so instinctual when you are annoyed or frustrated. I mean.. being unconscious for about a third of a day seems quite dangerous. But scientists do understand some of sleep's critical Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Like a big frivolous party where the cleaning ladies have to wait for the party to end before they start cleaning. Exactly how this happens and why our bodies are programmed for such a long period of slumber is still somewhat of a mystery. Does this have anything to do with why I feel gross in the morning? Hours before you responded, that's what those little numbers right before "ago" mean. Sure, the neurotoxin idea has come up since then, but if you actually read what they've written, they freely admit that it's just one incremental step closer to the answer, rather than the answer itself. [–]kimchi_station 10Answer Link0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (0 children), Look that 5 year old in the eye and tell him the truth "I have no idea.". A few people have pointed out why we need sleep now, and they are absolutely true. These are, of course, just theories. [–]YUNOHAVENICK 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (0 children). But the question, unless I'm gravely mistaken was why do we sleep ... and guess what, buttercup. Mathematics Economics If you keep asking yourself, why do I sleep so much, odds are your feeling frustrated with the impact your tiredness is having on your life. Sorry if you think I'm caring enough to sit here and wirte something in capital because I'm in stupidity-rage. We even understand the basics of underlying genetic predispositions to obesity, and hormone irregularities. You don't need to understand the cellular mechanics to create real-world benefits by controlling your diet. What’s wrong with having a mattress on the floor?” HA! Why Do I Sleep So Much: Final Word. So that's why extreme sleep deprivation will eventually kill you? [–]jayman419 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago* (0 children). Their nightly length of sleep tends to be 10 to 12 hours. Some kids might need more and some need less. We prove things by having good guesses of whats going on and eliminating alternatives. “Sleep probably has many functions,” he says, just as the weekend is variously for shopping, socializing, and cleaning the house. Technology Engineering. Chemistry Physics [–]Sporkal_Vork 1 point2 points3 points 7 years ago (0 children). You can pretend like you're taking the high road, like I'm just some troll who is too stupid to comprehend the vast universal truths you're attempting to reveal... but let's be real with each other. There is also evidence to support that it's crucial to forming new memories as well as having implications for creativity and other functions but the real answer is we don't know. We've identified some of the key players, and some of the processes. [–]QuentinTNO 3 points4 points5 points 7 years ago (1 child). But once you do get on a regular sleep schedule and maintain a well-rested baseline, waking up becomes much less challenging. [–]Stretch5701 20Answer Link1 point2 points3 points 7 years ago (1 child). He didn't say this in the dark ages. ( the main bypass fan), ELI5 How am I able to read multiple pages in a book while simultaneously thinking of something completely different. Eli5: Why do we need to sleep so much, what happens in the body when asleep that cannot happen while normal resting or relaxing? By Claire Maldarelli. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Let us know what you think! Biology But to point to a reason and say "Eureka! Same applies to "We sleep because we are tired" - it would be enough if we dont know more, but we do, so we should point that out. At night, we would group together in a fortified or secluded location to geographically protect ourselves while we slept. It is literally our bodies time to recharge. [–]derpityderps 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (0 children). Here’s why … There is evidence for the process described by crystal64, [–]CanISeeYourGuitar 2 points3 points4 points 7 years ago (1 child). Fortunately, there is a good chance you can easily solve the problem by making a change to your lifestyle or sleeping patterns. It was a couple of years ago... 2010 or 2011, I can't remember off-hand. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Have an idea to improve ELI5? Do I need a box spring? Did you know: Skipping 1 night's sleep makes a person cranky and clumsy. How proper sleep will help us live longer, healthier, more creative lives. Perhaps exercising produces more of these toxins? [–]YUNOHAVENICK 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (1 child). ELI5, why is it that we can’t sleep when we are excited or anxious about something the next day? As we get older, because our bodies can't do as much stuff anymore (illness, age, arthritus etc) we expend less energy so need less sleep. I find this is quite a strange behaviour. You're doing us all a favor if you stop with your drivel, because your useless contributions are taking up valuable space in someone's head that could be filled with actual information. [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (0 children). This is it!" I have heard/read that the only real answer to why we need to sleep is because we feel tired. LI5 means friendly, simplified and layperson-accessible explanations - not responses aimed at literal five-year-olds. A long sleeper’s main complaint is that there is not enough time during the day to be awake. So while it's not quite established what sleep is doing for your brain, it appears to be quite an essential function for the long term. in the hopes that such tactics can score you some points. I didn't see the point in playing "what if" with you, but after I thought about it a little bit more, I decided there was a way to address it... by looking at the historical context of our knowledge about obesity. More Health. How do we gain energy from it if there is no input of energy? So can you train yourself to need less sleep, and is it healthy? No, the reasons we get fat are well understood. Latest. BBC - Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - What is sleep My homeboys got my back, I was with them all last night, go ahead and ask! Instead we put ourselves on a bed in a dedicated room, cuddle and then pass out for a few hours – totally defenseless. In at least one study I've seen no anatomical differences were found in those that died from sleep deprivation other than cognitive impairment. Me, I … Maybe someday we'll have a clear-cut answer but that time is not now. I don't care enough to waste more energy on you who doesn't understand what I'm talking about and yes I could spend lots of time to clarify myself, but I decide not to, because it has basically no value to do so. [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (1 child). So sure, there are a lot of ways to talk around the reasons we need to sleep. Someone could have just taken my blood somehow and put it there. E is for Explain - merely answering a question is not enough. Your Brain Needs Sleep, so you can: Remember what you learn; So here's a question.. Is feeling tired related to a buildup of the toxins your body rids it's self of during sleep? They cant do that while you are awake, well maybe they could but it would probably not go very well since they handle a substantial amount of cognition during your waking hours too. From an evolutionary standpoint.. needing sleep looks counter intuitive.. Sleep for kids teaches kids the importance of sleep. Everything else is just theory and conjecture. Also hypothesized as a way to keep us quite at night to avoid predators. StefaNikolic/E+/Getty ... it can become impossible to fall asleep or wake up when we need to. Why Do We Sleep Under Blankets, Even on the Hottest Nights? ELI5: How does software like WinZip actually compresses files and how does the bytes of data "disappear" during "zipping" and "reappear" during "unzipping"? live a short enough life that you don't have time for it. 2) And the second is that you have a very, very thin grasp on what the difference between a couple of unrelated studies and true, scientific understanding of a subject. 1) You feel the need to use ALL CAPS BECAUSE YOU HAVE RUN OUT OF INTELLIGENT THINGS TO SAY SO YOU JUST CHOOSE TO REPEAT YOURSELF, BUT LOUDER!!!!!!111!!!one!! Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly. Reddit is for discussions. ELI5: why does pizza shop shredded mozzarella have better flavor and melt smoother than grocery store shredded mozzarella? Through a series of experiments on mice, the researchers showed that during sleep, cerebral spinal fluid is pumped around the brain, and flushes out waste products like a biological dishwasher. As we give up our bodies to sleep, sudden twitches escape our brains, causing our arms and legs to jerk. Why can our body not do what it does while we're awake? "We don't know yet, research is on-going, and maybe someday we'll have more information. More posts from the explainlikeimfive community. You should also consider looking for your question in the FAQ. We breathe to get oxygen. The best answer I've heard has to do … So evolving a mechanism to take advantage of our otherwise useless time was beneficial. Perform a keyword search, you may find good explanations in past threads. [–]jayman419 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago* (2 children). Explain Like I'm Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly explanations. I'm just giving OP the honest answer. We could gave evolved to function differently, but we didn't, so why? I just think "because we get tired" is a lazy answer for people who don't know the more specific facts. Sleep is an essential function1 that allows your body and mind to recharge, leaving you refreshed and alert when you wake up. Some do take a nap in between tasks to help restore their low energy levels, but it’s never enough it seems to recoup the insufficient sleep that we get every night. We know a little bit about what happens when we sleep but even with all our combined knowedge, we still have no clue why it happens. we're simply not there yet. Using the day to hunt and sustain with less worry was more helpful to us than constantly competing with death. ELI5: Why does propeller airplane engines only have 3 or 4 propeller blades but Turbo fan engine fans have many small blades. And it does nothing to address dreaming. We understand some of the mechanics of sleep. Five reasons why we need to sleep more. It is theorized that that may be the case. And they say it's one reason we need to sleep, and that the increased interstitial space may be a consequence of the enhanced removal of potentially neurotoxic waste products. It's not merely "we are tired", it's already "because without it the chemical waste in our brains will make us sick (in what ever way)" - and that is why I said he's wrong. Games and puzzles are included to help your child learn more about sleep for kids. ELI5 What's happening when your body is dead tired but your mind is like a toddler on a sugar high? - … We're starting to discover the mechanics of psychophysical disorders like binge eating or the opposites like anorexia and body dysmorphic disorder. My mattress was on a metal frame. Dreams have been a mystery for as long we have recorded history. EDIT: As an offhand remark, why did you yell at me about failing to understand "IMAGINE IF WE DIDN'T KNOW" and then yell at me a second time because I played along, but didn't explain everything that we imaginably knew about the fake situation you created? Insects after metamorphosis, for instance - some never sleep, eat or drink as all they have time for is mating. Here are 10 evidence-based reasons why good sleep is important. But research is ongoing, maybe we'll know at some point. The capital letters should point out what I thought you missed. [–]pizzaman55 20Answer Link1 point2 points3 points 7 years ago (0 children). With our current biology, we could not live without regular sleep. [–]Hypertroph 20Answer Link1 point2 points3 points 7 years ago (0 children). Humans spend nearly a third of their lives asleep. Main drawback though is our lack of low light vision. Apparently, I move quite a bit while I sleep. And if we were writing this on sheepskin in the 18th century, my answer would remain the same. So you'll keep dancing around the subject in the hopes that you'll eventually stumble upon something that sounds sensible. It's just lazy and you can argue as much as you want, it is still lazy, [–]jayman419 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago* (4 children). Watch now. [–]YUNOHAVENICK 0 points1 point2 points 7 years ago (3 children), U didnt even understand what I said, I said "IMAGINE WE DIDNT KNOW". You can't prove I did it! Imagine we didn't know much about our bodily metabolism and would just say "we get fat because we eat"... "We get fat because we eat" was enough for people to monitor and control their weight for centuries, before the underlying physiological mechanics were understood. Why do we dream? The reason I don't understand what you're talking about is because what you're talking about doesn't make sense. Health. Feel free to "refuse" to continue being mistaken. You should be sleeping more than eight hours a night. There is some new evidence that during sleep physiological recovery happens where the brain is cleaned of debris (proteins) that builds up between cells. Some people are startled by them, others are embarrassed. Although the amount of sleep you get each day is important, other aspects of your sleep also contribute to your health and well-being. But this is not the case; sleep is an active period in which a lot of important processing, restoration, and strengthening occurs. [–]r0ughneck_scout 60Answer Link5 points6 points7 points 7 years ago (2 children). [–]crystal64 130Answer Link12 points13 points14 points 7 years ago* (2 children). Imagine we didn't know much about our bodily metabolism and would just say "we get fat because we eat" even though many hints and factors are already known what leads to obesity. Hence you have to sleep so that your body can carry out the trash. It is a life-long pattern of needing a lot of sleep. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 5231 on r2-app-0484e4db255568899 at 2021-01-06 10:32:42.841700+00:00 running 15b6a67 country code: US. My answer was concise, correct, and thoroughly appropriate. Here's What You Should Do … The disorder begins in childhood. So part of it is to help brain development, learning, and rest the brain. To understand why chronic exposure to light at night is so bad, we need to consider human evolution. You can't explain what I missed because there isn't anything I missed. Research is ongoing. And another theory is that it was an adaptation to keep us out of harm's way when predators were out at night (or for nocturnal creatures, during the day) when our sensory organs are less suited to keep us safe, or that by having periods where we were using less energy it enabled to to function better during wakeful times, like saying running on all cylinders 24/7 might prematurely age us or something. With our current biology, we could not live without regular sleep. PDF | On Jan 26, 2018, Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal published Why I read the same University of Rochester study that he did. It's clear that shut-eye is crucial to the body's ability to function. ELI5: How come when nail grow, the flesh under them doesn't come forward along with the nail as it grows? I know it's hard enough just keeping the Cheetos dust off your tits. Rendered by PID 5231 on r2-app-0484e4db255568899 at 2021-01-06 10:32:42.841700+00:00 running 15b6a67 country code: US. Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly. Sleep is an essential function1 that allows your body and mind to recharge, leaving you refreshed and alert when you wake up. Which leads to another theory... that the brain uses that time to reorganize our memories. Or is it just for the brain? I know what you’re thinking. Flair your question after you've submitted it. Is a box spring necessary? We eat to get energy. 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