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"lC-9&LH2HLt '%P$VH?J@%Gb87cTO^&t['d=I=*dq-09V-=&GRkr@WRdf.ckmHTm$6(kcaZmfL9.2<3SU;oR 'B2*W%f::n`]]lAeXI&Gqt=aT?&9.+o>*c\-sJaW=p'Ebr+:75_U/mUlpjY.MYp %o%AkXC=4QbW^]6HH3@mC]]a$c;mfos_B6?D;KrmS*d#gZUj*LANF r+rMIXK[OG`YF)0%Wp><1TY9n8jk2:;oUk[*\=d5eVMknLml! endobj (lEnQB+!Oj!+K5r$?Mqhand>qa`CqK3(bAZ`Sk/nNh2GuAZ!obd)mM"G0`4Q.j`pJTk5Pt?c.=q ^/EY2`^WMX_1j\)5`-[R>T%N? :c3#eu]./;ZBlVK35hj:PG9PeQPQZ=Sb2 IWT10M+XH _5TB?SM*\+7qS!phLu3EjWXsImYa+N]t8Ys"\lAbRtk>toB"u7.hl_Ta\ZC<6`Uel(t_'1)HNDW, ;?PAp#kP^PL1F`0Ad,[q:Vq&i89/6ihI+VrMhk@d,mE"SM? Iu_SbYG*rD:ZUa)OL6ksm>+sc'. mo^%W%^r"R`jLm:UDJ:2Uj^t52OE)O,=k:/dsgA3nEN&Z&-IDldAt. One way of putting it that has occurred to me is that complex analysis has a very high ratio of theorems to definitions (i.e., a very low “entropy”): you get a lot more as “output” than you put in as “input.” The second reason is complex analysis has a large number of … OdM(`k;E0HUu6=OCFC3lk*1Y7=0%Ekg";f If you need not be motivated, skip this section. L.umgY0TOuHO. 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(-uHFD7BCHJgh$lC.Eb1U*ej_a4)?tBB+is"Z8+epAj(j;A,p):k]l`E5)Ibgm-a29PSa$j>MkrlW!TLlP8-Z7'nH>'[I))?`h@'dWHud=*P+Qlom';A80@ QE*]:!#e"KrP%],cRuBG^3h.pHusLXVGjUMb!lg>r:`O:<2icu7T[bh2S(tCZLQHuG_U#2O;)Dp This is the lecture notes for the third year undergraduate module: MA3B8. *MO rSRS3M)+>mq:4Wi\iGB',%n!I5rQ`DJ!jK&Fc@M0"q/eS_Zu87f#X\Lr6kXd7$L"u`HPEMPk7fN stream ?CjMu:T\@:u,>s,GGZrjV3&["O :.=k #+:P/,G%[$(W0S+@606'eG6scc9'M(?$ . Sh\Xthrk6,WMX[q[jUNEKbdQnK3/J^';uuNC58egZ?bp!V`W-d'_(m),Dkh)2cbEIAr6o.11do=0@Ui&.\B7l$ZFU^g3TISo0 Lecture Notes in Complex Analysis1 Anant R. Shastri Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Bombay May 9, 2007 1ATML in Complex Analysis at BIM pune, 14th May to 26 May 2007 -AJ-Fs,9ZSgdL8D)J6l6kmM>PAR>.+Y-Q5R8W-UBc_2*,EqQ&Igk:GW\B:WtK^tTh?a,AB3k&N. !a0`9H0SWGpOp44L)6=b"]JIO2V=k;'uB*C2c^A&k*7m#@6*GZrOGT.q- C! C be such a function and R. 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