Yes, you can own a Fennec fox as a pet, depending on where you live. Why Should You Get a Fennec Fox as a pet? Likewise, cats are not social individuals, therefore making it less probable for them to bond with a fennec fox. Fennec foxes which are also known as desert foxes originated in Africa and are considered to be an exotic pet. The female fennec fox, which is called a vixen, reproduces only once a year, and has a gestation period of about 50 days. Fennec foxes make good pets, but they are not everyone’s cup of tea. Because of this, you may need to schedule their playtime and mealtime at night instead of morning. In general, fennec foxes as pets make good house pets and can be enjoyed by the whole family. Their ears can grow to up to half of their body size, adding to their cuteness points. admin November 5, 2020 Leave a Comment on Keeping a Fennec Fox for a pet If you are interested in buying a pet that is a little different from the norm but are a lover of dogs, consider a fennec fox. #repost @fennecfox_enn_yui 猫と狐 今は亡き左の楓さんは体重3キロ台(3.5キロ前後かな?)、右の兄ちゃんはガタイは大きいけど細身だから4キロ台(決して巨大猫ではありません) この頃の結君は、1.4キロくらいかな? Difference in physique between cat and fennec #fennecfox#cats_fennecfox#猫と狐#猫#狐#世界最小の狐 #cats#fennecfoxlove #family#friends #cute#kawaii #treasure#angels#sweet #フェネック #フェネックギツネ #宝物#家族#友達#ペット #世界最小の狐#異種家族#可愛い#ふわもこ部, A post shared by fennec fox yui&enn (@fennecfox_enn_yui) on Nov 12, 2019 at 3:36am PST. These foxes are monogamous animals that mate for life with one partner. So, this is all about fennec foxes as pets. There is no simple answer to this complex question because laws regulating exotic pet ownership can vary widely from state to state and different jurisdictions. Required fields are marked *. Regardless of what type of fox you adopt, you will need a good veterinarian who is comfortable with your pet. Although they cannot be compared to domestic animals, they are like a combination of a cat and a dog. . If you cannot handle small bites and nips, then a Fennec fox might be a compatible pet. This is a desert animal that can adapt to high temperatures and low water levels. She is tame she has never bitten anyone. They’re certainly not a good fit for someone who prefers a quiet pet.”. Training a Fennec fox is much like training a cat or a dog. Scientific name: Vulpes zerda Fennec foxes can easily escape a thin-wired compound. Fennec fox is the smallest among all the world’s foxes. The fennec fox is a beauty and should stay out in the wild in my opinion. A fennec fox is an omnivore that leans more on the carnivorous side of the spectrum. Their greatest predator is the African eagle owl. Your email address will not be published. So, when you make the decision to add one of these tiny creatures to your family, you are making a long-term commitment to its health and welfare. Mar 28, 2016 - Explore LAgirltchan's board "fenec fox", followed by 130 people on Pinterest. The large ears is a major characteristic that makes them so easily identified from other fox species.  You might be able to tolerate some inappropriate behaviors such as digging or toileting accidents, but what if they bite you or one of your loved ones? It is an important thing that you must know as a pet owner, as this will affect your fennec’s feeding time and enclosure. It is for this same reason that they are expensive. They are nocturnal. Kits reach maturity within a period of 10 months. Фенек готов Уютно устроился на ручках,в ожидании Своего человечка Понимаю,что все уже наверняка подготовились к НГ и закупились подарками❄☃️, но если вы ждали именно его,пишите мне скорее Домик нашёл , A post shared by Юлия ЮЮ Юркевич (@yuliayurkevich) on Dec 26, 2019 at 2:54am PST. Get information about state rules on this website. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which serve to dissipate heat. See more ideas about Fennec fox, Fox, Cute animals. Fennec foxes can get tamed by you but they will still be considered as a wild animal. She loves cats and thinks that they are the best pets in the world. They even have fur on their feet to protect them from the extreme heat. The better option for indoor space is a room dedicated entirely to a fennec fox. Their coat is very soft and beige in color. The fennec fox, also known as the desert fox, is a petite animal that's native to the Sahara desert and other parts of North Africa.Although it's not common, sometimes these tiny foxes with oversized ears are kept as pets. Hi I'm new to this site, so I'm so excited:) I am planning to get a pet fennec fox. He’s a handful. Your email address will not be published. You can use any dog or cat shampoo or cleanser to wash them. Fennec foxes (Vulpes zerda) are the smallest members of Order Carnivora. step . They can dig up to twenty feet underground in a single might, so they must have a secure area for exercise. When you catch them poo or pee inside the house, lead them immediately out of the house until they learn how to do it properly. 7. You may need a license to keep this fox as a pet. If you are thinking about getting new, exotic, but adorable pet, Fennec fox should be the one to consider. Votes and a share for the fennec fox. Illegally buying this pet can result in your pet being taken away from you and sent to a shelter where it is unlikely to be adequately taken care of. It is the reason why it shares some of the characteristics of your trusty canine. When feeding them, it is wise to avoid giving them bones, especially those that are cooked. Cooked bones are not safe even for dogs. So, when keeping a fennec fox as a pet, give it a nice warm desert like environment. A fennec fox is a desert mammal that is more active at night than in the day. Fennecs may purr like a cat when they are happy. Fennec foxes can be commonly seen as a pet due to their availability and popularity as wild animals but they are quite expensive. Owning a Fennec fox as a pet will be a lot of work, but it is possible. She loves to run and jump and play with her toys! But the question is: is it even an option for you? Additionally, practice tolerance when dealing with your pets because they are wild animals with primal instincts even though they are living in a home environment. *Chai Half a year has passed since he came to my house. But, what characteristics are hiding behind that adorable face? You must also remember the 90:10 ratio and not force your fennec fox to be a vegan. I live in south Korea and it's totally legal to have exotic pets in our households. One of the most important things to check before investing in your new pet is to ensure that your state or country allows them to be kept at home. The reason is that their intestines are not for digesting lots of grains and fiber. When you think of the word "exotic pet," chances are that one of the animals that will come to mind is the fennec fox. For pet owners who cannot afford an outside space and who live in cold places, an indoor enclosure is the best option. To be safe and to ensure you don’t end up losing a beloved pet, make sure you research the legality of owning an exotic pet in your locality. Fennec foxes can be playful, but always keep in mind that these are wild animals with dangerous instincts. Fennec is an Arabic word, which means fox, while its species’ name, zerda, means dry in Greek. Well, it’s because they belong in the same family—Canidae! They are social animals that live in colonies of up to 10 other foxes (in the wild.). MBTP is a trustworthy brand of mealworms for your pet. Like most animals, the outdoors is an excellent option for fennec foxes, and it is especially true for this animal because it likes digging. Fennec foxes and bat-eared foxes are legal to own as pets in the state of Texas, as they are African species of fox. Remember, looks can be deceiving. Would make a great house pet. To an educated and responsible owner, the fennec fox can make a good pet. Overly large ears, sandy fur, and expressive dark eyes combine to form a Yoda-like appearance that rates high on the cuteness counter. An adult Fennec fox does not measure any more than 41 cm (1.3 ft), and its tail is between 20 and 30 cm (0.6 and 1 ft). If you are looking for an incredibly adorable pet to have, the fennec fox is one of your best options. CITES lists them as a threatened species. However, no matter how friendly it may be, your other animals may not be as pleased with it. This factor can be problematic not only for you but also for your neighbors. They have a cat’s size, but their energy level and playfulness are like that of a dog. What states is it legal to own a Fennec fox? . Fennec foxes cost approximately $1500-2000! However, this same feature that protects them in their native desert and semi-arid conditions also makes them prone to heat prostration. Are they Venomous? Then, it’s time to think about the practicality of a new animal. It has to look, as much as possible, as a fennec’s natural habitat. The fennec fox belongs to the genus Vulpes and the family Canidae, that consists of wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and the domestic dog. Adult males or “reynards” reach up to 1.5 kg and stand 18 -22 cm at the shoulder. Like most desert animals, the fennec fox is more active at night than in the day. A responsible pet owner must consider all these facts before buying a fennec fox. Fennec foxes are 10% herbivorous and 90% carnivorous. As to hygiene, fennec foxes do not need regular baths because they are expert self-groomers. They have some specific behaviors that require more patience from owners. They cost more than $2000 for a baby fennec, which is the better option for you, or at least $1,500 for an adult one, which, again, is harder to train as a pet. Its most distinctive feature is characteristic large pinnae, which function to dissipate heat and enhance hearing. The fennec fox, also known as the desert fox, is a small dog that typically weighs only 2 to 3.5 pounds as an adult. *** ママの実家に帰省してたよ 新幹線長旅頑張りました #フェネック #fennecfox #fennec #fox #pet #instapet#instafox #exoticanimal #キツネ #ペット #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #love #family #japan #cute #ふわもこ#mysweetie#フェネックとの生活#フェネック小麦, A post shared by @ arashitokomugitotsubasa on Jan 3, 2020 at 6:42pm PST. The bite of Fennec fox will hurt, although these bites will rarely need serious medical assistance. A fennec fox will bond well with its owner, especially when you care well for it. Its coat, ears, and kidney functions have adapted to the desert environment with high temperatures and little water. Fennec foxes are not a danger to humans, but they are not domesticated animals. The best source of 90% of meat is insects like mealworms and silkworms. Raezel is a teacher in the making and a writer. Before you get one, make sure that you have read thoroughly about them and understand their diet and habitat requirements. Fennec foxes are omnivorous, although they feed on meat more. They were still under a year old. Its body measures no more than 21 cm (0.6 feet) up to its tail. The fennec fox pet is the smallest fox in the world and has tons of cuteness and charm! Your email address will not be published. If you have a desire or love to keep intelligent pets as well as ver active in nature, then the fennec fox as a pet … Fennecs are easy to get along with due to their friendliness and energy. Unless you want your pet to be undernourished and underfed, you must steer them away from this diet. Pet foxes are illegal in many places. In the wild, they enjoy munching on a varied assortment of creepy crawlies, rodents, plants, organic product, and reptiles. Since you probably don’t want to spend your time catching insects to feed your pet, you should consult an exotic pet veterinarian to design a diet plan for your fox. Fennec foxes eat insects, including silkworms and mealworms. It is classified as uncommon and can be obtained from Cracked Eggs, Pet Eggs, Royal Eggs (the non-themed permanent eggs in game), and from trading. This vegan pet owner tried to do so, and her pet lost its hair and became thin and sickly. Pet owners who are considering buying fennec foxes need to remember this, unless you want a war among your pets at home. Unfortunately, animals in the fox family are commonly banned in most states because wild, native foxes are rabies vectors and there are no approved rabies vaccines for them. But do note that a fennec fox should not be kept in a cage for an extended period as it is inhumane. It is only illegal to have one in Nevada, Missouri, Washington, and Minnesota. Mating Fennec Foxes. Finally, in comparison to its body size, its ears are considered to be the largest in the Fox family – roughly half the length of their body. Yes, it is possible to potty train a Fennec fox. Your goal should be to encourage their natural behaviors while establishing a strong bond with them. Fennec foxes are social animals and do get along well with other household animals. Males may become aggressive during mating season. Their scent gland is found on the tip of their tail and can give off a musky odor if the fox is startled. Lucy the Fennec Fox gets a huge playground. Most locations allow them but due to the fact that they are classified as non-domesticated, they are not permitted everywhere. In states that require you to obtain a license for keeping a fennec, your proximity to a capable veterinarian will play a role in the approval of your request. It weighs between 1 and 1.5 kg (2.2 and 3.3 lbs). They also engage in stiff competition for female partners during the mating season. They are nocturnal but do like to lie out in the sun. Fennec foxes are nocturnal animals, which are very small, when compared to other fox species. They are agile and cuddly like a cat and indulge in mutual grooming and nibbling, which is not aggressive. They are sometimes very unpredictable and hyper, so be careful with them. The Fennec fox is the smallest of the canidae family, even smaller than a Chihuahua dog. It would be best if you exercised enough caution when playing or taking care of them. Training your fox is the key to a peaceful, long lasting owner-pet relationship. Mexican Red knee Tarantula – Origin, Facts. Fennecs must remain warm and will shiver if the air temperature goes below 68 degrees Fahrenheit. An ideal outdoor enclosure for your pet fennec fox must have room for digging, climbing, and foraging. All our fennec foxes are spayed and nurture. The fennec fox is an adorable creature he has ears that go on forever! As such, you should be wary of offers that are $1500 or less for a baby fennec fox, as this is most likely as a scam or an illegal breeder. These foxes are monogamous animals that mate for life with one partner. . Tamarin Monkey – All you need to know about these! This is also the reason why to have a fennec fox as pet, you will need a large space for them to run about. Also, you should avoid feeding them spicy foods such as pepper, onions, chocolate, and dairy. Like the famous adage says, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. They are used to a desert like environment. There is a question though as to why someone would want to own a Fennec fox though. Because of its cuteness, a lot of people want to keep them as pets. A Male and a female were surrendered after someone bought them as a breeding pair and quickly realised they couldn’t care for them. See more ideas about fennec fox, fox, animals wild. Also, if you can’t find a licensed breeder near you, shipping a fennec fox can cost an additional $300–$500. Should you buy a fennec fox? A pet fox can be a intriguing and rewarding companion. Does the Fennec Fox Make a Good Pet. Their preferred foods are small mammals, insects, and birds. However, if your area has extreme winters, your fennec fox cannot be kept outside all the time as it is sensitive to cold and can die from it. If you are looking for a small, otherworldly exotic pet, a Fennec fox might be the right match for you. Height: 20 cm (Adult) During breeding season, vixens may develop “love handles,” or alopecia on their sides. The fennec fox weighs about 0.68 kg to 1.6 kg (roughly 1.5 to 3.5 pounds) with a body length of about 20-40 cm (8 to 16 inches). Always remember: love your pets, and they will love you. 10. The fennec fox is known for its cute looks. Your email address will not be published. Typically, males are larger than females. Hello! Fennec foxes are the smallest wild canid. For the vast majority of people, fennec foxes will not be a good fit. The fennec fox may be the only Sahara Desert mammal able to live well without free water. You must consider this when you plan a house for your fennec foxes. . Fennec foxes behave a bit like active, playful little dogs. Your vet can explain the pros and cons of these procedures, so you can make an informed decision. Contrary to popular belief, not all families can be friends. The Fennec Fox also has a bushy, black-tipped tail (known as sweeps) which helps them to change direction while running. This makes them more sought after as a pet. During the day, fennec foxes are dormant, either sleeping or bonding in family units. The fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) is a small crepuscular fox native to the Sahara Desert and the Sinai Peninsula. In our opinion, fennec foxes do make excellent pets, but they are not for everyone. Anyone want to meet him in Michigan? The Fennec Fox is a non-limited pet in Adopt Me!. The fennec fox pet is most notable for its large ears. The best way to … They are true foxes (Vulpes), which means they have smaller skulls and body sizes than other foxes. The ears radiate body heat and help keep the fennec fox’s body temperature. If you always notice your dog digging, do not expect less from a fennec fox pet. Fennec foxes (Vulpes zerda} are members of the Canidae family, which includes domesticated and non-domesticated relatives such as foxes, wolves, and dogs. Mature fennec foxes weight around 2 to 3.5 pounds. According to Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, DACZM, “Foxes are omnivorous, and you can feed them commercial dog food.”. I have 2-year old Abyssinian, very young Turkish Angora kitty, and 2 dogs, an IG and a Dachshund. Its most distinguishable trait is its six-inch-long ears and its small physique. She free roams aro.. Fennec Fox, Ohio » Madison Township In general, fennec foxes as pets make good house pets and can be enjoyed by the whole family. But more than its adorable appearance, these play an essential part in this fox’s life. Even if your state allows pet foxes your city may not. . You can visit your nearest zoo to enquire about fennec foxes and where to buy them. Assigning a room to your fennec fox can also help minimize the noise in your house and neighborhood. The Fennec fox’s conservation status on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is least concern. Always research a pet before committing to caring for it. He will prescribe an eating regimen of crude meat, vegetables, and a vitamin blend. The fennec is the smallest canid species. Always be vigilant and keep an eye on them. This fox as a pet due to the Sahara desert fennec fox might be a good fit fox! Yoda-Like appearance that rates high on the carnivorous side of the smallest of the favorites among fennec fox ’ intestine! True foxes ( Vulpes zerda ) is a desert mammal able to live well without free.. Surviving the Sahara desert mammal whose natural habitat should avoid feeding them spicy foods as. United states allow you to keep this fox as a wild animal species... 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