And why their leader is demanding an audience with me to discuss you. For as Athanasius and Marcellus of Ancyra appeared on the scene, and the Western bishops declined to exclude them, the Eusebian bishops of the East absolutely refused to discuss, and contented themselves with formulating a written protest addressed to numerous foreign prelates. DAVID DAVIES: I am not going to discuss a piece of pending litigation. Below I quote a sentence from New York Times - Nov. 24, 2006 cholera vaccination apart from the above is a matter for the individual to discuss with their doctor. In the next edition of Stress News the authors will go on to discuss treatment options. We'll discuss that later. Bismarck, by summoning a conference to Berlin (1884-1885) to discuss African questions, secured for Germany a European recognition which was very grateful to the colonial parties; and in 1888, by lending his support to the antislavery movement of Cardinal Lavigerie, he won the support of the Centre, who had hitherto opposed the colonial policy. Being able to discuss such things with him was as comforting as it was new. There are more important matters we need to, 24. The nurse will discuss the results with you and arrange any follow-up appointments you need. 3rd Sentence: Discuss the main conflict. 52. There used to be nothing they couldn't discuss. They began to discuss the possibilities. Bring Kris. Example sentences with the word discussing. You should discuss your concerns further with your supervisor. You were brought up with old-fashioned morals, so you simply didn't discuss things like that. personal tutor who they meet with at least once a term to discuss their progress. I think they have some things to discuss with your…. Guest speakers will discuss their first-hand experiences of working in the music industry. A second issue which we have not discussed here is the question of the housing market. You can discuss politics, your plans, your grievances, or anything else that needs to be talked about with someone. In 1 575 a conference was held here between the ambassadors of Spain and those of the United Provinces; in 1667 a peace was signed between England, Holland, France and Denmark; and in 1746-1747 the representatives of the same powers met in the town to discuss the terms of another treaty. But the only upgrade Apple will discuss is the AirPlay feature of the next version of the iOS software in Apple's iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, which will let you watch video from many apps on your HDTV. Never once did the three discuss his desire to kill them. Hi, Grammatically, it seems only correct to say "Let's discuss the issues", as "discuss" is transitive This is true. 2 The results are too numerous to discuss in detail; some of those to which special attention is directed are the following: In Swedish iron and tungsten-steel the change of elastic constants (Young's modulus and rigidity) is generally positive, but its amount is less than 0.5%; changes of Young's modulus and of rigidity are almost identical. They probably had a lot to discuss and most likely were not alone. Discuss the pros and cons of ICT-enabled disintermediation vs. ICT-enabled reintermediation in the provision of ethical trade data and ethical trade services to consumers. The semicolon is the character; in this sentence. We really should meet sometime soon to, 26. Back then I think all questions asked in a "Discuss Sentence" within lessons, would filter all to one sentence forum within that languages discussion page, under sentences. Beryllus, however, was convinced of the wrongness of this view by Origen, and recanted at the synod which had been called together in 244 to discuss it. Here we shall only discuss the structure of these compounds in the light of the modern benzene theories; reference should be made to the articles Naphthalene, Anthracene and Phenanthrene for syntheses, decompositions, &c. We now proceed to discuss molecular heats of compounds, that is, the product of the molecular weight into the specific heat. We discuss the news and agree to keep in touch by telephone and then disperse to our respective apartments. call-in show which went on the air live with an invited guest to discuss a range of issues. September 3 rd 1919 There was a rather hurried meeting called at Cavendish to discuss the proposed war memorial. financial ratios (i.e., advantages and challenges for each). Free speech allows you to discuss your sexual escapades with your grandparents at a family dinner. The Moscovites felt that something was wrong and that to discuss the bad news was difficult, and so it was best to be silent. Heidi Stephenson and Natasha Langridge Twenty leading contemporary dramatists discuss their work from the perspective of being both writers and women. happy to discuss your unique requirements! After which they proceeded to discuss the canvassing. They herded her back into another room to discuss plans for the wedding on Sunday. 3. Howie wouldn't discuss the matter but we could only guess how he felt. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words. logbook records, " On arrival at Merthyr we went to a café to discuss the Welsh prospect. Instead, however, of proceeding with the work of practical legislation, accepting the Instrument of Government without challenge as the basis of its authority, the parliament immediately began to discuss and find fault with the constitution and to debate about "Fundamentals.". A conference between the leaders on both sides was arranged, to discuss whether any compromise was possible, and controversy was postponed to an autumn session. Every time Paul discusses life after death he always points to the resurrection; without it there would be no life after death. The Beat Surrender sat down with Doug Burnham to discuss the genesis of their sound, rebellion, and parenting. Mothers have been told they must stop breastfeeding for reasons too inane to discuss. Give the matter some thought and discuss it. discuss hard cases of conscience, as a very cursory glance at Fielding's novels (r742-175r) or Boswell's Life of Johnson (1791) will show. PRIVACY : Don't discuss your personal finances with strangers. less time or opportunity available to discuss such matters with students. 105. About this time he founded an academy, the members of which adopted Greek and Latin names, met on the Quirinal to discuss classical questions and celebrated the birthday of Romulus. Spit it out; what did you and Julie discuss that now makes you Aunt Betsy? "We didn't discuss nothing," grumbled Fred. Definition of Discuss. He is not sure if he owes tax on this, but is meeting his accountant this week to discuss the issue. Please discuss your travel health requirements with your regular family doctor or practice nurse. It is no longer necessary, however, to discuss these chronologies. How these revelations actually arose in Mahomet's mind is a question which it is almost as idle to discuss as it would be to analyse the workings of the mind of a poet. He planned to discuss it with Cynthia but other matters interrupted. The second (or temperature) variation gives rise to phenomena which we proceed to discuss. The first pair of intersections may be either real or imaginary; we proceed to discuss the second pair. It was his regular habit to refer those who came to him on matters of state to his good brother Piers, and to refuse to discuss them in person. What makes benchmarking difficult? Discuss definition, to consider or examine by argument, comment, etc. There may be no rational grounds for the ancient dogma that the souls of the lower animals were imperishable, like the soul of man: this is, however, a problem which we are not called upon to discuss; and we may venture to conjecture that there may be immaterial essences of divers kinds, and endowed with various attributes and capabilities. (fully, thoroughly, briefly, further) " We were able to discuss our problems freely. fortnightly to discuss various interdisciplinary topics relating to theology and philosophy. Examples of Discuss in a sentence. Is the manager easily approachable to ask a question or to discuss an issue that concerns you? discuss. Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview. For more details and to discuss your specific requirements, please contact extensor on: (01462 790444 + © Extensor Limited 2006. facilityse events students can talk with tutors, discuss the courses on offer at Park Lane and tour the state-of-the-art facilities. I suggest we discuss politics. Now we have to look at other part of the sentence. By. An immense mass of material has been collected on the subject of vapour-pressures and densities, the greater part of which will be found in Winkelmann's Handbook, in Landolt's and Bornstein's Tables, and in similar compendiums. (Sentence 4,5,6) Body Paragraph 2 (Sentences 7 – 10): In any approach A or B – The second body paragraph is the second side. The Russian diplomat would not discuss how the archives are to be returned. Even if you are reading a thrilling novel or an interesting news article, you will likely lose interest in what the author has to say very quickly. Sackville West and Sir Charles Tupper were selected by the government as British plenipotentiaries to discuss with the United States the Canadian fisheries dispute, and a treaty was arranged by them at Washington on the 15th of February 1888. was sent to Rome to discuss terms of peace. On the 28th of August Sir Gordon Sprigg in the House of Assembly moved the adjournment of the debate, to discuss the removal of arms to the Free State. 586. He was soon encouraged by the growing coolness between Pompey and Caesar to attack the acts of Caesar during his consulship, and after his successful defence of Publius Sestius on the 10th of March he proposed on the 5th of April that the senate should on the 15th of May discuss Caesar's distribution of the Campanian land. Now in its sixth year, the seminar is a lively forum in which graduates and established academics discuss fresh perspectives on turn-of-the-century culture. Which may just explain both why the Chumash are now loath to discuss it. A series of union branch meetings will now take place, which will also discuss voting on defending pensions. Definition of Discuss. With John Adams and Edward Rutledge he was selected by Congress to discuss with Admiral Howe (September 1776, at Staten Island) the terms of peace proposed by Howe, who had arrived in New York harbour in July 1776, and who had been an intimate friend of Franklin; but the discussion was fruitless, as the American commissioners refused to treat " back of this step of independency.". They began to discuss the possibilities. This is not the place in which to discuss so large a question as that of the genuineness of the Memoires, which, indeed, is now generally admitted. Discus sentence examples discus During the childbearing period of life some of these will be nearing the ripe condition, and if one such be looked at it will be seen to contain one large cell, the ovum, surrounded by a mass of small cells forming the discus proligerus. 2nd Sentence: Tell about the main character/characters. The City Council is scheduled to discuss the issue March 22. It doesn't seem likely that Kristof and other western intellectuals are prepared to pose, much less discuss, such questions. 49) of Paul to discuss the question of the Gentiles. Hegel after expounding the nature of religion passes on to discuss its historical phases, but in the immature state of religious science falls into several mistakes. I'm sorry I didn't discuss this with you first. He listened, refraining from a reply, and involuntarily wondered how this old man, living alone in the country for so many years, could know and discuss so minutely and acutely all the recent European military and political events. The day consists of the following presentations: - A representative from flybe (British European) will discuss aerodynamics and characteristics of flight. Giovanni took Rhyn's silence as encouragement and began to discuss his pedigree and which immortals he knew. Only Quinn seemed pleased with that result but when we tried to question him about it he refused to discuss the matter. Here we only discuss the meaning of the align attribute for text. The two Andradas, who imagined they could govern the young emperor as a sovereign of their own creation, encountered great opposition in the constitutional assembly, which had been opened in Rio in May 1823, to discuss the project of a new constitution. I waited, hoping for an opportune moment to, 22. 2. He said you had something you wanted to discuss with me. The boy crept closer to her, and she sought some subject to discuss that would calm him. Mr. Henderson visited Paris in the company of Mr. Ramsay Macdonald to discuss the situation with Labour over there, but found that neither French, nor Belgian, nor Italian, nor American Labour was disposed to join. Actually, all she wanted to do was alert him that she was nervous about it, but if it made him feel better to know she was willing to discuss intimacy with him now, then she would listen. meet regularly to discuss how they can get more involved in school life. Discuss is defined as to talk about and to consider all aspects of the subject. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "discuss sentences" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. If you set out to discuss etymology, you are likely to find yourself also discussing semantics. Even permission to discuss his views in the pulpit was refused him. Please phone the granulocyte immunology laboratory to discuss these cases in advance. This page has lots of examples of passive sentences and an interactive exercise. It then proceeds to discuss examples of literary texts and two films that incorporate postmodern perspectives in order to call those perspectives into question. But it was everywhere felt that his mere protest was not likely to affect the result; and the government at last consented to accept a suggestion made by Count Bismarck, and to take part in a conference to discuss the Russian proposal. Fred O'Connor looked peeved that Dean delayed the interro­gation by taking time to discuss biking. He then proceeds to discuss various artifices for the simplification of equations, giving methods which are still in common use. CK 1 1954736 We can't really discuss that. 101. It is, of course, impossible to do this here, but I will briefly discuss one or two groups of cases. ; talk over or write about, especially to explore solutions; debate: to discuss the proposed law on taxes. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " Our boss will fully discuss the issue at the meeting. I also discuss the political situation with my dear father, and we decide the most perplexing questions quite as satisfactorily to ourselves as if I could see and hear. Another word for discuss. However, I heard it so many times people say "Let's discuss about the issues" Not correct.You could say 'Let's have a discussion about the issues'. Publicly, few judicial colleagues of Sentelle would discuss his actions. We now proceed to discuss the types of aliphatic compounds; then, the characteristic groupings having been established, an epitome of their derivatives will be given. Finally, the most frequently discussed conversation topics on the forums were included for further discussion in this work. Sentences with phrase «to discuss progress» (see phrases) Every six weeks, staff members working with students at that grade level joined teachers in collaborative team meetings, where we discussed the progress of individual students at that grade level and determined appropriate intervention actions to address their needs. He knew something of six languages, and could discuss art, music, literature or theology. If you want it – Toby - to live, come to the castle this evening after dark falls. This is not the place to discuss such political problems, but there is no question of free trade theory involved if the cost to the community of any such taxation is frankly acknowledged. Only when each of the three recensions gives a different reading does he proceed to discuss the question on other grounds. They can form concepts, but not obtain them. Most Read; Give Answer ; What would be the sentence pattern for the following sentence: "The restaurant served 3 kinds of barbeque"? Before we discuss these three documents we shall mention other members of this literature, which, though derivable ultimately from Jewish sources, are Christian in their present form. Bring Kris. Examples of discuss the in a sentence: 1. CK 1 2643858 We have so much to discuss. The students discuss the details of their group project with each other. But the only upgrade Apple will discuss is the AirPlay feature of the next version of the iOS software in Apple's iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, which will let you watch video from many apps on your HDTV. Should she consult the tarot cards, read endless horoscopes, discuss things with her therapist or talk to her friends? P 3), which belongs to Metaphysics as an axiom of being, says that those who attempt to discuss the question of accepting this axiom, do so on account of their ignorance of Analytics, which they ought to know beforehand (irpo€Vrearap. Until then, further discussion is off-topic for this thread and subject to deletion. We discuss the role of financial accounting within society. How to use discuss in a sentence. overdrawn for a limited period, you need to discuss this with the DSU Treasurer. The matter was discussed at our management meeting this morning. Before we do, I need to discuss something with both of you. Discuss it with the others but don't take too much time. Discuss safety features on roads, such as speed limit signs, zig-zag road markings near school gates, railings and road humps. I took a big break from Duolingo, like a year. intricacylawyer out to dinner to discuss the intricacies of criminal law. Learn how to use discusses in a sentence – Example sentences: This paper discusses 21 studies of abstinence education. Did he discover he'd been taken and was then too embarrassed to discuss it? 356. The psychological conception, then, on the basis of which Hume proceeds to discuss the theory of knowledge, is that of conscious experience as containing merely the succession of isolated impressions and their fainter copies, ideas, and as bound on. 1613), a mild divine, who had written a treatise on persuasion in religion, urging that as to it "men could be led, not driven"; Lambert Danaeus, who deserves remembrance as the first to discuss Christian ethics scientifically, apart from dogmatics; Johannes Drusius, the Orientalist, one of the most enlightened and advanced scholars of his day, settled later at Franeker; Johann Kolmann the younger, best known by his saying that high Calvinism made God "both a tyrant and an executioner.". While I remained eager to discuss the conversation, I couldn't disagree with Howie's logic. It was his habit to encourage informal reunions of his intimates, to discuss debatable questions in science and theology. T.) In the articles on Music and Opera, Wagner's task in musicdrama is described, and it remains here to discuss his progress in the operas themselves. He has little sense of style; but displays considerable insight when he ventures to discuss a political situation. He was one of those who met at the White Horse tavern to discuss theological questions, and when Barnes was arrested on a charge of heresy, Coverdale went up to London to assist him in drawing up his defence. Thus a special committee was appointed consisting of the five German powers to discuss the constitution which was to replace the Holy Roman Empire, another to settle that of Switzerland, and others for other minor questions. nearby to discuss the amount they're destinations are a checked for things. 2. In 1893 Sir Henry Durand was deputed to Kabul by the government of India for the purpose of settling an exchange of territory required by the demarcation of the boundary between north-eastern Afghanistan and the Russian possessions, and in order to discuss with the amir other pending questions. A passive sentence is one in which the subject does not perform the action of the verb. In December 1898 he convoked a diplomatic conference in Rome to discuss secret means for the repression of anarchist propaganda and crime in view of the assassination of the empress of Austria by an Italian anarchist (Luccheni), but it is doubtful whether results of practical value were achieved. fruitful to look at what she's actually saying and then discuss the arguments. How to use discuss in a sentence. Now they could discuss things instead of avoiding sensitive subjects - build on their relationship instead of tearing it down with the same demolition ball. What could be so terrible about Alex that his own sister would fear to discuss with her best friend? When, however, Rhodes was invited to take office after the downfall of the Sprigg ministry, he asked the Bond leaders to meet him and discuss the situation. The nuncio, indeed, announced that the papacy would be prepared to discuss the question of authorization, but only on condition that all demands for such authorization should be granted. 24. What type of sentence is it? If your stay is prolonged, we'll discuss alternatives later. "To discuss how you are assisting my death-dealers get into and out of my underworld," Gabriel replied, changing the subject. | (obsolete, transitive) To break to pieces; to shatter. Archbishop Longley said in his opening address, however, that they had no desire to assume "the functions of a general synod of all the churches:in full communion with the Church of England," but merely to "discuss matters of practical interest, and pronounce what we deem expedient in resolutions which may serve as safe guides to future action.". When Cardinal Duprat convened his Synod of Paris in 1528 to discuss the new religion, Clichtove was summoned and was entrusted with the task of collecting and summarizing the objections to the Lutheran doctrine. The shepherds are rustics of the Colin Clout type, and discuss the follies and corruptions around them. What was going on with him and when would he be at liberty to discuss his secret with her? In at least 6 sentences discuss a situation where you would test… Check my contribution to see all my changes and discuss them with me if i did something wrong. Litter pick - map area and discuss future options - plant native heathers. discuss in a sentence - Use "discuss" in a sentence 1. If it is because you now have it popping up in a new window, why not have it appear in the same window, as in the past? A committee appointed to discuss the matter suggested that there should be a directory of three members, appointed by the German governments, subject to the approval of the parliament, and ruling by means of ministers responsible to the latter body. Perhaps we could arrange to meet and discuss this matter. There's an excellent, lengthy video interview with Munro who is keen to discuss all aspects of her career in exploitation films. ; talk over or write about, especially to explore solutions; debate: to discuss the proposed law on taxes. CK 1 1893845 We have business to discuss. Nearly all works on constitutional law and history discuss the case. Let's go out back to my office and discuss this. In all cognition, strictly so-called, there is involved a certain synthesis or relation of parts of a characteristic nature, and if we attempt to discuss this synthesis as though it were in itself but one of the facts forming the matter of knowledge, we are driven to regard this relation as being of the quite external kind discovered by observation among matters of knowledge. Before she could be irritated by his words, he continued, "We will discuss matters later.". chief executive officers and senior directors from all the major energy suppliers will meet to discuss making switching easier for customers. At stated intervals the native chiefs are summoned to Lome to discuss administrative matters with the government. Vince Vaughn discusses backlash he received after the actor was seen chatting with Trump earlier this year Vaughn and Trump were seen shaking hands in a private suite 8. The article you are about to read discusses different ways of reviewing vocabulary. This is the format Skip a line. Let me digress here to discuss the problem of our youth, particularly in the advanced industrialized nations. He wasn't in the mood to discuss Friday night in the Ocean Shore Motel with any­one. The men will discuss the collective pain they have caused women. It is impossible to discuss the other theories of the origin of this name. Discuss definition is - to talk about. Rudolph had declined to discuss all religious matters during the time that the troops of his brother occupied part of Bohemia. She and Rowan drink cocoa and discuss the farm. How much or how little judgment shows in that calculation, when viewed in the light of later days, we do not discuss. He invited the states to send representatives to Berlin to discuss the condiui~~ tion of Germany; and he concluded a treaty with the kings of Saxony and Hanover. Imagine reading one long block of text, with each idea blurring into the next. We shall discuss changes in properties selected for their particular interest. To discuss the remaining Miocene and later. Maybe the sentence is intended to mean "” Students can discuss [something] [among themselves]* in order to gain an understanding of it/in order to form/arrive at an accurate concept of [it] Marilyn It also discusses how to make the best of a situation in which a congregation has no elders, thus lacking in leadership. Discussion question: Briefly discuss an interesting newspaper article which you read recently. This is made even more noticeable by the fact that, in a good number of the works extant, the author is not content merely to set forth and classify the texts; but he proceeds to discuss the point, drawing conclusions and sometimes outlining some controversy on the subject, just as Gratian was to do more fully later on. Depending on the forums were included for further discussion on impact fees and relationship. 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