Duplicate layer or mask, LightWave 3D Open File(s) for TV-Out, MPC-BE 1.5.4 But what if I have a mesh, and I want to split it into two different objects? Please add this back as the default or allow users to add it manually. - [Ctrl] L: 12: 0C: FF: Form Feed: FE Join lines, Qt Creator Previous sequence, The Bat! Go to the Bill & Income Reminders dialog, RingCentral Phone (Desktop) - Ctrl+C – Over any Operator Button, the shortcut copies the Python command into the clipboard (The program shortcut can be used in the Python console or the Text Editor while writing scripts) Shift+Ctrl+C – Over any property button, the hotkey is used to copy the data path for the property. Adjust Layer Colors…, Autodesk SketchBook (Windows) - - Excel break the text into columns without putting anything under [] other Edit Code Snippets, PDF-XChange Editor Clip Boundaries > Join, Brave (Windows) - Ctrl + Q -- Align selected paragraph to the left. Just watch, Zimbra Web Client Ctrl+J in Word and other word processors. Show a pop-up list of starting with a specified prefix. Open Develop view options, Adobe Lightroom Classic All programs using this shortcut, by category. Justift, LibreOffice Writer Listen to music by Ctrl+J on Apple Music. Ctrl, Download, J, Justify, Keyboard shortcut, Keyboard terms. - Sync now, Ableton Live 10 Join lines. - Excel shortcut keys can greatly improve your speed when conducting analysis. I know there are scripts to avoid shortcuts like ctrl+j… Just a thought… Hide Lagoon, Blender - Join nodes, Google Translator Toolkit Find matching preprocessor conditional backwards, skipping nested ones.