A fountain’s foremost advantage is that the running water encourages your cat to drink in a number of ways. - Slideshow. The water looks more like … Cat Fountains and Their Care These fountains are safe, but they require some routine, minor maintenance – mainly cleaning. Fountains help in attracting your cats to drink the water that you think is best for them. Because a cat fountain is a much more complex design than a simple watering bowl, it requires some special attention, which contributes to most of the drawbacks listed here. The first consideration concerning safety for cats is, what is the cat fountain made of? And if the pump or filtration mechanism breaks, you can add a replacement part to your projected cost. Water fountains ensure a continuous supply of clean and freshwater for your cats. Does your cat drink from a water bowl but you think maybe she doesn't like it? Because cat fountains keep the water moving, bacterial growth is dramatically reduced. But whether or not you think a cat fountain is beneficial for your home, it’s important to consider the element of safety above all else. Cats love this water fountain because it has a quiet, free-flowing stream of water. One theory suggests that feline instincts express a preference for running water because of its reduced risk for bacterial growth and overall increased freshness. In all of the above cases, a water fountain can encourage your cat to drink more. Do cats like water fountains? A cat water fountain is a device that makes watering your cat convenient and generally hassle-free. This stems from evolutionary development. Cats crave moving water because in the wild, and cats are still very much ‘wild’, only moving water is safe. The pros and cons of cat fountains really tend to depend on your particular living situation and whether your cat has any issues drinking from a regular bowl. Because of the evolutionary history of felines, which leads to a preference for the sound of running water, chances are your cat will like drinking from a fountain. Water fountains do more than just contain water. If your cat has no issue staying hydrated with an old-fashioned bowl of water, then you probably don’t need one. Cats prefer running water, and this is why some of them will tap the water in their bowl with their paw before drinking it. This means that you’ll need to change the filter regularly if you want the fountain to work properly. The water looks more like a natural source in the wild would and often tastes better. This evolutionary quirk may even explain why cats tend to fancy drinking water straight from a dripping faucet! Do cats prefer running water? Registration information We offer the storage of your personal details in a password-protected customer account, in order for you not to have to enter your name and address during your next purchase. Cats often dislike deep, narrow food and water bowls which can push painfully back on their whiskers when they eat or drink. Your email address will not be published. The granulated carbon is made from coconut shells for extended filtration like the one from the PetSafe Drinkwell 360. Signs That Your Cat Will Love a Water Fountain Your cat seldom drinks from their bowl, but loves to play with and drink the water dripping … Fountains can be expensive, clunky, and require maintenance. Don't subscribeAllReplies to my comments Keep the conversation going! It changes shade over time and that’s a part of its character. Still water can be lethal. Subscribe to comment replies via e-mail. Best Cat Water Fountains Comparison. Cats doesnt like water fountain Well, i bought a water fountain a few weeks ago (you know, the automatic fountain with proximity sensor) to replace their water recipient (a cube with water), but they doesnt seem to like it and just one of my cats (i have three rn) gets close to it, for disconnect the wire and throw it whenever he wants. It turns out that there’s a lot of debate about them and the selection is vast. Additionally, some fountains include a filtration system that enhances the water freshness by removing toxins and impurities. Does your cat like to drink water from it? Reasons Why Your Cat Might Not Like a Water Fountain. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Additionally, CatVeteran.com participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. For more information, please read our privacy policy. Research suggests that cats are attracted to the sound of running water. This is a cat fountain I really want to try. The water may often be changing height via waterfalls to aerate the water. Similar to the cat’s evolutionary attraction to the sound of running water, many individuals find this sound soothing. Those of you who have water fountains for your cats, what kind and brand do you have? To be honest, most of the drawbacks to cat fountains affect the pet owner directly, instead of the cats. The difference is that the water in the bowl will usually be constantly moving due to use of a mains electric water pump. My one worry would be that this fountain is similar to the catit grass planter which didn’t do so well with us a few years ago. Many cat owners struggle with curious cats that jump up on counters. You can also subscribe without commenting. They make them want to drink water. We currently have two. ), so I did some research to see if cat fountains are beneficial or if they’re simply smoke and mirrors. The fountain also has a cord tuck to keep your cat’s water area looking nice. Ask-a-Vet is not manned by the staff or owners of CatHealth.com, and the advice given should not delay or replace a visit to your veterinarian. I want to get one but i have finky cats so i am worried they may not use it or like it. However, the material of the water basin can influence safety: The difference in filters can also affect overall safety. The sound and motion of flowing water is attractive to cats … This is a buried fountain which takes up the whole area covered with rocks. All eight of my cats like the fountains. So in general, cat fountains are considered to be safe. Why do cats like water fountains April 7th, 2020 Posted by admin Uncategorized No Comment yet . 6 Best Cat Water Fountains in 2021 | Drinking Fountain Reviews Pioneer Fountain Big Max Stainless Steel. Just like my cats, I have a thing for aesthetics. - Slideshow, What Is a Group of Cats Called? Cat water fountains include a wide range of price points and can fall anywhere from $20 to past $100. It is now widely accepted that cats crave flowing water which is why vets recommend cat water fountains – to entice them to drink more water. Research suggests that cats are attracted to the sound of running water. Both these attributes contributes to them not harboring harmful bacteria which can cause chin acne and other ailments. When water sits still for a long period of time, it can get dirty, dusty and polluted from bacterial growth. That is exactly why you need a good water fountain for your cat. If you’re noticing signs of dehydration (lethargy, panting, dry mouth, loss of appetite, etc.) Do cats prefer running water? Cat fountains usually have a water basin of some kind that stores the water and then a pump that moves the water. A water fountain could solve several problems caused by How do cat fountains work? Depending on the type of fountain, even a slight impact or tumble can cause the device to break. The fountain makes little to no noise, and splashing it reduced via the ramp design. The motor or pump is too loud. It turns out that the safety of fountains truly depends on a number of factors, including the material of the fountain and the effectiveness of the filtration system. It is small and expensive to maintain, though. Here are a few reasons why he might not be as enthusiastic about it as you had hoped. Cat fountains usually feature a very low voltage to power the pump, meaning electrical shock shouldn’t be a concern. Many of these benefits never would’ve crossed my mind before actually researching them. Has your veterinarian said that your older or sick cat needs to ingest more moisture? Many cat water fountains require a steady rotation of new filters in order to maintain a quality filtration performance. While some people find the sound of running water therapeutic, others find it annoying. There are several reasons why having a water fountain available for your cat might be a great idea. It’s easy to feel despondent after spending time and energy looking for a water fountain for your cat, only to discover he doesn’t like it. https://www.businessinsider.com/best-cat-fountain#the-best-gravity-run-cat-fountain-4 https://www.petmd.com/cat/emergency/common-emergencies/e_ct_dehydration https://www.purrfectpost.com/does-your-cat-need-a-pet-fountain/ https://www.petsafe.net/support/fountains/drinkwell-original-fountain https://www.thirstycatfountains.com/cat-fountain-filtration/, Your email address will not be published. Regular cleaning is required in order to keep bacteria from building up within the pump and filtration system of the fountain. This site uses cookies to provide you a better user experience: hydrated with an old-fashioned bowl of water, https://www.businessinsider.com/best-cat-fountain#the-best-gravity-run-cat-fountain-4, https://www.petmd.com/cat/emergency/common-emergencies/e_ct_dehydration, https://www.purrfectpost.com/does-your-cat-need-a-pet-fountain/, https://www.petsafe.net/support/fountains/drinkwell-original-fountain, https://www.thirstycatfountains.com/cat-fountain-filtration/. First off, some fountains require assembly, so be sure to check the packaging instructions before you purchase one. Cats are more attracted to water in motion. The long answer is that water fountains for cats play into their base instincts and universal preference of running water over still one. Do cats like water fountains? PetSafe Drinkwell Ceramic Fountain . In the wild, flowing water is the safest alternative. Often, these cats may be looking for a different water source, such as a sink. If you think about our own physiology, it’s easy to understand why Persians would be more comfortable with a fountain. PetSafe Drinkwell Multi-Tier Pet Fountain. With that said, fountains can also pose some unexpected annoyances in the household due to their mechanics. But even then, there are some surprising facts about fountains that may pique your interest, including a link between evolution and the sound of water that causes cats to have a preference for running water. Cats are sensitive to a lot of things, including loud noises. At CatHealth.com, our favorite water fountain for cats is the Drinkwell Pagoda. Are water fountains safe for cats? Sometimes stagnant water collects a particular odor that can be off-putting. In general, most cats tend to not be bothered by cat water fountains, so long as the basin is large enough to access without disturbing their whiskers. Most cats soon take to water fountains, and find fresh, aerated, running water attractive. They attract cats because they have running water and cats are fascinated by this. One theory suggests that feline instincts express a preference for running water … The benefits of fountains can be divided into two categories: The health benefits can help contribute to your cat’s happy healthy lifestyle, while it can also improve the overall home environment by making your cat’s drinking habits more convenient for you. Another significant drawback of cat water fountains is that they require much more upkeep and maintenance than a traditional water dish. Notice: Ask-a-Vet is an affiliated service for those who wish to speak with a veterinary professional about their pet's specific condition. Ceramic, metal and glass are non-porous and they don’t get scratched easily. I’m a USAF Veteran and I started this blog because I love animals & I want to use my background as a compulsive researcher to help provide legit/actionable info for you and your fur babes! Bonus Tip: Cats don't generally like to drink water near where they eat. Cat fountains can sometimes replace this counter curiosity by providing an engaging source of fresh, running water. If your cat tends to avoid the water dish and opt for hanging out by the sink, then there’s a good chance she will enjoy having a cat fountain. First, the sole idea of cat water fountains is based on a design that keeps the water flowing regularly. This site is not intended to replace professional advice from your own veterinarian and nothing on this site is intended as a medical diagnosis or treatment. Cats don't like drinking out of still, stagnant water sources. So are cat fountains really worth it? In the wild, cats drink from streams and they associate running water with safe water. In fact, the water is much safer for cats than still water sitting in a bowl. Plastic fountains are much more durable, making for a better option if you’re like me and have rambunctious nephews who like to run around when they visit. There are quite a few benefits that come along with having a cat water fountain in your home. First of all, cat fountains can be quite noisy. Check out all the pros and cons to see if a cat fountain is right for your home. A cat water fountain is especially beneficial if your cat it reluctant to get as much water as she should. The purchase of new filters can quickly add up, leading to the next drawback of cat fountains. This movement provides fresh water. Lately, I’ve been thinking about getting my cats a water fountain, and I wanted to know if it was really worth it. Unlike bowls, cat fountains are much more difficult to clean, too. Having evolved from predators, domestic cats have good hearing and peripheral vision in detecting movement. Instead of coming home to find a bowl that is bone-dry, the large reservoir of a fountain can ensure that your cat has plenty of water to last while you’re away. Copyright © 2018 Cat Veteran | Powered by Purrfection. When cats are given wet food, they won’t need as much actual water. I’ve even caught one of my cats drinking straight out of my own glass of water that I left on the counter. I’m Toki, I’m the owner/editor of Cat Veteran. Ceramic fountains, on the other hand, can be more aesthetically pleasing but are much more fragile. Many of these filters can also catch hair and dust particles, so your cat is only drinking pure, clean water. Often I find my cats joining me when I go to brush my teeth because they are hoping to get a drink from the tap. Any questions about your animal’s health should be directed to your veterinarian. My cats love it, it breaks about every five months or so but its worth the hassle. This fountain will let you know when it needs a new filter, and it won’t burn out the motor if it runs dry. While there are some fountains priced around $30, a quick browse of the selection of quality cat fountains shows that they can quickly approach $60 or more. Most of the time, they come from areas with unattractive water sources, and their only option is standing water. Running on electricity, a water fountain for cats requires that you fill the fountain with water anywhere from every few days to every couple of weeks, and it uses that water to automatically fill your cat's water bowl via a pump. I’d love to hear your views on cat water fountains and if you’ve had one for your pets. Ceramic basins are also generally considered safe. We love it for many reasons, including: Will My Cat Love Me Less If I Feed Her Less? Does she make a big mess at the bowl, seeming to use her paws to play in the water? This is fantastic for pet owners who are outside of the home for long periods of time. Some of the cats will drink from the basin next to the center dome, others lick the dome, and sometimes the drink directly from the center where the water is pumping out. Also see our terms and conditions. The cat water fountain is arm with filters. This may be due to the fact that they originally came from a desert environment. While some fountains run on batteries, others require a cord, adding to the confusion and tripping hazard. Not all cat fountains are created equally, so if you’re shopping for a cat fountain, definitely take these things into consideration. Another benefit of cat fountains is that the reservoir is typically built to hold a significant amount of water. Most cat fountains include a filtration system that is designed to remove impurities from tap water. (It still works, just gets hard to open). IPETTIE Ceramic Pet Drinking Fountain. However, different elements, such as material and filtration design, can impact some aspects of safety. Does anyone have a cat water fountain and how do your cats like it? Cat fountains can also be obtrusive to your living space. The best cat water fountains that are presented below, take advantage of the fact that cats like moving water, thereby encouraging your cat to drink more. Disclaimer: CatVeteran.com is for general informational purposes only and is provided without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Cat Veteran is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.” *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc., or its affiliates. This is due to the pump mechanism built into the fountain. It will filter out most of the contaminants just like the ones made for us humans. We also have a few regular bowls throughout the house for their convenience, but most of the cats prefer the fountain. Some of us cat owners are working with very picky felines who would raise a pinky while drinking water if they could! In general, most cats tend to not be bothered by cat water fountains, so long as the basin is large enough to access without disturbing their whiskers. Plastic materials may contain BPA, which has been linked to various health risks. In general, most cat fountains are pretty safe when you’re considering their electrical power source. I feel like my cats would go absolutely mad over it, and it looks like it holds quite a bit of water and makes sure that it’s not all out in the open at all times. In all of the above cases, a water fountain can encourage your cat to drink more. While drinking out of a regular old water bowl isn’t impossible or even necessarily dangerous for your flat-faced kitty, it’s definitely not the ideal option. Like any other water bowl, these fountains need to be regularly cleaned to keep the water fresh and free of bacteria. Top Pick. Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed veterinarian. Cat Kneading: Why Do Cats Do It and What Do People Call It? Cats are attracted to running water. Filtered water can assure a long and healthy lifespan for your little buddies. Finally, there is one more aspect of cat fountains that can benefit pet owners. There’s another way that cat fountains encourage felines to drink regularly. I’m usually pretty minimalist when it comes to home décor and flashy accessories, but it’s a different story when my cats come into the picture. Most cat water fountains feature an electric pump, which moves water from the reservoir to the basin. And finally, the question that could make or break in your decision to purchase a fountain. Pampering my cats like they’re my children? For the uninitiated, a pet water fountain is basically a replacement water bowl for your cat. then you may want to consider a water fountain to interest her in drinking. The activated carbon filter removes bad tastes and odors from the water, keeping it fresh. Sometimes it may seem like cats are never thirsty. Some cat fountains even require a special cleaning kit, which must be purchased separately from the fountain itself. My cat has recently had a few bouts of cystitis (a scan and urine analysis have been done) and on the last occasion passing ... Read more on Netmums Cats are therefore attracted to running water and will drink more when water is available in the flowing mode. We go to great lengths to help users better understand their cats. But thinking about my cousin, who often has 12-hour shifts at work, having a cat fountain could be much more convenient for her. A WATER FOUNTAIN ENTICES YOUR CAT TO DRINK MORE Consider a water fountain an investment towards your cat’s health and well-being. Interestingly, this question is asked both by cat fountain owners and people thinking of buying their first cat fountain. People who don’t have a cat fountain want to know what the commitment is going to be, and people who have one want to know what they should be doing to ensure the health of their cats. How Often Do We Need To Change The Water In A Cat Fountain? In the wild, you will often see cats dragging their food away from water sources. The water neatly pours onto a receiving ramp and into a basin. They associate still water (as in a bowl) as stagnant water which is unsafe. Tap water may contain odors or tastes that are objectionable to cats. Then, you will be transferred to a human. And if the reservoir runs out of the water, the weird sound of the motor grinding without water can be even more unpleasant. My wife and I have been blessed with 4 purrfect cats (2 brothers seen above with my daughter) and we all live, pounce, and play in the Massachusetts wilderness. Since I’m home most of the day, I can keep an eye on my cats’ drinking dishes to make sure they’re fresh and clean. Initially, a bot will ask questions to determine the general nature of your concern. Unsurprisingly, this depends heavily on your cat’s unique interests and demands. Instead of what they think is good for them. I like to get my cats everything they need to lead healthy and happy lives (all nine of them! Related Questions. This stems from evolutionary development. Plastic, which in itself is considered harmful due to BPA, is easily scratched and in those scratches bacteria grow, which has been proven to cause chin a… Cats love moving water. Pioneer Pet Raindrop Ceramic Fountain. Yes, water fountains are safe as long as you use them properly. They attract your cat towards the water. Even cats that show no fuss about drinking from a plain dish typically adapt well to drinking fountains. While some filters are designed with activated carbon to remove toxins from the water, others are only designed to remove debris and hair. They sell special cat fountains such as the Drinkwell. Free-flowing water, on the other hand, remains odorless, which can help entice your cat to drink. Children, dogs, and clumsy guests can bump the fountain (either on purpose or by accident), yielding to a messy spill that requires attention. Pump mechanism built into the ‘convenience’ category loud noises into the fountain along with having cat... Harmful bacteria is an affiliated service for those who wish to speak with a veterinary professional their! Cats Called on your cat’s unique interests and demands is just the tip of the cats, and! 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